Sometimes life is so chaotic and yet so silent. This is not a good silence I'm talking about. I'm taking about numbness.
Sometimes we go thrrough so much pain we turn numb.
Pain can be so continous, u feel it again and again and again more and more and it doesn't stop. And at one point we reach the end of pain. We are empty. And numb.
Numb should be good. Since its the end of the pain path. but numbness can't be good, its the beginning of a no feeling state of being.
All our life we feel and feel and feel. And then we hurt and hurt. And at the end of the hurt path we reach numbness. We seize to feel. We start living on auto pilot. My favorite word. Its so easy to snap into autopilot. The mind and heart and body doesn't wanna feel pain. So it goes numb and dead. And we just function and live life machines. We exist. But we have no life. What a pathetic place to be in.
Does being numb prevent us from getting hurt. Is that numbness good? The phase where we seize to feel. Feel anything. Feel love feel joy feel alive.
Numbness can't be good. We all turn numb, but being numb or hard doesn't make us happy. We stop living in the experience if live. We forget what happiness and feeling is. We stop experiencing love. We don't connect to god we don't connect to ourselves and we dry up. It feels like the soul is dead.
What makes the soul so alive. What makes us happy and drives us crazy.
Its love.
Love has the potwer to transform something dead and give it life. Give it feeling once again. Make it breathe. Give it a purpose. Give it hope. Give it a meaning.
How many of us gave up. And dried up. And then came love, pure love. And it changed our soul and our reality.
Transformed the consciousness of that being. Connected us back to the source. To the consciousness. Could this love be an awakened state of existence.
I look at this love as being divine. Its only divine energy that can transform something dead into life.
Love has that power.
Then what makes that same love convert the joy into pain. Does love have the power to create pain too??
Yes it does. Love is always attached to an expectation. A fear. When love is attached to fear it creates an expectation.
This creates pain.
Pain is born from fear.
Fear is consuming and frightening. The fear of loosing love. And that creates another swirl of pain and then we walk the path of agony and wounds. The pain that stems from pure love and then fear is the worst of the kind. Its worse than the pain of not having at all.
but fear needs to be removed. There is no right answer of how fear of loosing can be removed. Fear is like poison. It consumes us and kills the happiness love gives us. Fear is like a deadly virus. Once fear is transformed into faith. We can feel love again. And even if there is pain or shades of hurt, it feeds the soul. It makes us wanna live the journey, not fear the outcome.
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Nice post Sheela.
Fear is of loosing love. You loose love when you try to possess the love or the source.
But love is a free energy, when I know I can not possess it, I have no fear, how can I fear for loosing something which is not mine forever?
So love is in the moment,someone showed love for me today, cared for me today, meant a world to me today.. I do the same for someone else today, I give love and give more love. That is the only way.
Love is the fragrance of flower, it is now, and then you do not know for the next moment.
Despite this understanding, we always tend to expect love from certain source, love the source, reciprocate the feelings, may be this is the way we are originally made. We try to love a person and try to possess the person without unconditional ( to the possible extent) acceptance.
Love is something which is very purest form of the universal consciousness. Very intelligent energy, which does not identify with the physical mind.
Love flows from the spirit, from the soul.
What is most important is it must flow. Keep on flowing, no matter which direction. Flow is more important.
If the love is not realized in a couple relationship, it mahy be realized with children, with friends, with neighbours, with people around us, Love has to flow, does not matter the manifestation and the direction.
But at the end of the day, we always hope, may be there is someone with whom we will find true love??? :)
That is why we are here, to grow , to evolve.
"Could this love be an awakened state of existence?"
Yes, I believe that Love has the unique transformative ability to enable the shift in ones consciousness. The sense of awareness increases, there is sensitivity to nature, to people to environment, we are very much alive!
Love is some special form of the universal consciousness. I have a limited understanding of the intelligence associated with Love.
Somehow this is very pure energy, very pure and very much the essence of the existence, whether in physical world or the spiritual world.
I wish we all can love more...
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