Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Every energy in this Universe is linked with us. We are linked with spaces and form and every other aspect of existence. If there is a shift in any energy pattern in the universe or cosmos, It automatically influences our life. It’s a beautiful invisible network.
This invisible network can be understood and worked on to change unwanted patterns in our life.
Lets look at a negative thought. It starts somewhere. With an action, a thought or a feeling from somewhere. Can we root the feeling of a negative thought from anywhere else. Someone emitting that vibration? Someone at work. Where did that vibration come from a feeling of dis ease. Where did that root from ? The mind. So You received the negative thought and feel miserable about a negative thought, You may have received it even as a comment or remark. You get upset, angry sometimes. Fight or argue to release the feeling. It creates a feeling of dis ease in another. Creates a negative frequency in the air. Then you feel calmer. But the new pattern of this negative has triggered of a series of frequencies being emitted in our surrounding. It sometimes ends up as a block. In relationships, in your body in your work and looking at the worst. Affect it in the long run. Well the good part is. This feeling can be reversed, with positive affirmations and love. Feeling of well being. Being happy. It can be made contagious too.
We can use this rippling effect of energy to unblock things like stagnancy at work, sour relationships or even fights.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thought Magnets

Have we ever thought why our deepest fears come true.
Have we ever thought why our most passionate desires also come true.
Some dreams come true just cause we wanted it and thought about it.
This manifestation happens because of the principle of thought magnets.
Every time we are happy we only feel happier and get really good news after that. Once you feel lousy continuous lousy things happen around us.

Every thought we feel and experience is sent out into the universe through our breath. Our breath is the connection between the consciousness and us. It connects the inner self to the higher consciousness. Its like a connector.
We keep worrying, we send out worry magnets into the universe and all we get back is more worry and more pain.
The happier we feel the most positivity we attract.
This thought magnet attracts itself to another magnet of similar nature.

If you want to feel great things happen, send out positive vibes. The least you can do is take your attention away from yourself and focus on someone else.
When you create something for another, it untangles a huge knot in your own life.

try it out.
Give love if you seek love,
Give abundance and stability if you seek it for yourself.
Its using the law of karma to create miracles in the universe.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


How do miracles happen. Is it the power of the universe or is it the power of one's intention.
I have always wondered. Sometimes we all don't intend for something but it still happens and sometimes we want something so bad and it just wont happen.

How to make Miracles happen
1.The first funda of a miracle is when you desire something, ask for it and believe that if its in your highest good it will come to you.
2. Make a miracle happen for someone else and a miracle is more likely to happen for you.
3. Live in a world of love, abundance and joy.
4. Keep away worry and jealousy. You have to give away unconditionally and not be threatened for survival. Only when you live a life of complete trust in the universe, will the universe make miracles happen for you.
5. Feed your soul. Whatever it takes. Chocolates, shopping, good food or a pedicure. The mind and soul need to be in a state of utmost joy.
6. Love yourself. Believe that you are the most special person in your life. If you value yourself. You will see the best come to you.
7. Trust in that higher force. Call it angels or the universal energy or god.
Its all one.
8. Write out all the desires exactly the way you desire it.
9. Visualize the desire.

More on Miracles coming up....
Hope you can start with these...