Only the loss of love can show us true love.
Love is that vibration which connects two souls, the energy which flows between channels of relationships. All emotions root from love. Even hatred. We feel cause we love. We all are love. Love in different degrees, but love.
There are different flavors of love, mother and child, friends and lovers. But the purest form of love is the mother and child. The protection kind of love. I am there for you and will love you no matter what. Unconditional to some sense. A feeling of” I created you”.
When two partners face a problem with each other. They need to become a parent. Love your partner like you would love a child. This is healing to the giver and the receiver.
The most soothing energy. Then two partners can build the most profound connection of all, the umbilical chord connection which can be stronger than a soul mate relationship.
Love is not just a feeling. It’s the bond between the creator and us. Can we create a bond like that with our partners. Creator and child or mother and child. If we can. Love can be experienced, felt and lived. I love you mom.
There are so many emotions in which we live. Emotions rarely live in us. There are usually much larger than us. So there are so many of these emotions in which we live. We become our emotions and feelings. When love as a feeling rules us, we become love, then hatred takes over then we become Hatred. Then joy rules then anger, as so it continues..
When we live inside emotions, they pass. We are small. They are bigger. So they run our feelings. Which come and go. We have no control. Be in control.
Act. Be. Don’t allow a feeling to guide you.
Make love your guide.